Electric Industrial Oven
An electric industrial oven is a part of every large kitchen in restaurants and bakeries. These will ensure that the pizza is cooked, the bread is baked and the meats are roasted. There are typically a few choices you'll need to make when you select an oven, so you need to know what your choices are.

An Electric Industrial Oven versus a Gas One
Choosing an electric industrial oven often gives you more versatility than a gas oven. This is because virtually every restaurant or warehouse has electric capabilities. For as long as you've got power running into the building, you'll be able to operate your oven.
An electric industrial oven will allow you to cook, bake and brown your food without having to worry about running gas lines, permits that go with running gas and other elements that are associated with gas ovens. With an electric oven, you'll simply need to make sure that you have enough power coming from the plug. By checking with your electric service provider and the details of the oven you are about to buy, you'll ensure that you have a good match.
Sizes of an Electric Industrial Oven
When you're looking for an electric industrial oven for your business, you'll want to pay close attention to sizes for various reasons. Not all ovens are the same size so it's important to get one that meets your needs. If you are a small pizza shop, you won't need one that's designed to bake twenty pizzas at a time and vice versa. Height and dimensions also play a large part, particularly when state regulations are involved.
Some states require that you have a hood system above your oven. This ensures that the heat is properly removed. If you require a hood system, you'll want to make sure you have plenty of room between the height of your oven and the ceiling. Checking dimensions will be sure that you buy the right size oven for the space you've been provided.
An electric industrial oven can take up a small amount of space or an entire room. If you buy one that is too large for what you need, you'll be wasting a whole lot of electricity to operate it and will most likely heat up your space that your air conditioning will be working on over drive to compensate. Finding one that is the right size will be kind to your electric bill and also give your business exactly what it needs.
Choosing the Right Electric Industrial Oven
If you need an electric industrial oven, you'll probably already know what kind you need.
- Conveyor
- Front Load
- Cabinet
These are typically the 3 kinds of ovens you'll be looking at for your restaurant or bakery. Depending upon what it is that you are making will determine what's best. Pizzerias will typically pick a conveyor oven because it allows for easy loading and without having to open the door (and thus losing heat) every time a new order comes up.
When you've got a bakery, you'll want a front load oven that allows for you to load up everything, set a timer, and get it when it's done. This will ensure that you aren't losing heat and you'll maintain the same temperature for the entire time.
Cabinet style ovens are common for catering houses and also if you are cooking something that is done in batches. If you need to open the oven frequently during the cooking process to either add ingredients, change pans or what not, you'll want a cabinet style oven because it's easy to load.